
We're back!

For the first time in 6 months we have internet at our house! Finally! Although I did try to boycott, Philip won and I actually am glad because now I can update stuff on here again.
There's so much to share I don't even know where to start, so let's just talk about Charlotte :)
Little Pumpkin Pie is 10 months old (10?!?! Seriously????) I have no idea how that happened. She seems to get weeks older every day. Pretty sure I don't like it at all. What happened to my tiny baby? Lately she has been
-Starting to talk, Pupa (puppy), Papa, Baba (Bekah? I think), Baby, and Woof are her new words. Baby is her favorite, she'll say it all day long.
-Refusing to say dada or any other D words, much to Philip's chagrin
-Taking 4 or 5 steps at a time
-Eating nothing but apples, applesauce, banana, lentils, and cheerios, no idea where my good eater went
-Growing enough hair that I can pretend to put clips in it for a good five minutes
-Eating everything on the floor, recently including a dead cricket, mud, and dog food
-Sleeping!!!!! Yes! I don't know what happened but all the sudden in addition to sleeping all night she takes two really long naps a day. Pretty sure this is the best thing that's ever happened.
-Shrinking- a combination of the flu and growth spurt have robbed me of my chubby baby!
-Climbing the stairs and everything else in sight
-Giving kisses, the most wonderful new thing of all! When she's really excited she'll grab both your cheeks and smash her slobbery mouth on yours. There's nothing better.

And because it's nap time, and I can see my minutes of freedom to clean, cook, fold laundry, unpack, and shower are ticking away, here are the pictures. That's all that matters anyway, right? Looking at that cute little face. I still hold to the statement that I would have done this YEARS ago if I only would have known....
We're making an ABC book, not at all my idea, thankfully I have great family, Jenna Sarr, who is creative :)
Here are a few of the pictures. I think I only have 20 more to take in the next four days. ha.

C is for Charlotte

Y is for Yellow

"T is for Tutu" and, seriously, Charlotte, I didn't know kids came this cute!


  1. What a dear little thing, and I miss her so! Please come to visit again soon! Love ya Diane

  2. Oh how adorable! Thanks for posting this Renee! We love hearing your news - especially baby news! Better get her working on 'Nana' though! :)

  3. Seriously, she is such a doll!!! Love the tutu :-) You are a really good writer, I enjoy reading your blog. It sounds like motherhood is a lot of fun :-)

  4. Wow you guys. She is ADORABLE!!!

  5. Wow Nee! Those are some really cute pictures of my little Rosebud....so hows come I don't have any of them? Grammie's are suppose to get a copy you know.:O) Great blog too...you need to send me notification when you post so I can at least come see my baby from time to time. Love you
