

Four months? Seriously? I have a feeling that I'm going to spend the rest of my life thinking it can't possibly have been so long already. It's going by way to fast. Four months and sixteen hours ago today I was staring, in shock, for the first time at this chubby baby who couldn't possibly be mine. She consisted of seven and a half of the sixteen pounds I gained during pregnancy and it showed. After seven hours of super easy labor, an hour of a half of near death experience labor, an absolutely heavenlike epidural, and everyone saying the nameless baby wouldn't be born till tomorrow, I dilated from 4 to ten in two or three contractions and was very shortly after looking at this little round girl who had been growing inside me for the longest 9 months of my like. Philip and I both had to be prompted to say something to her once she was out because it was so surreal that she came so quick after waiting so long. And just like my labor and Charlotte's birth, everything since has absolutely flown by. 
Charlotte is almost sitting up now. She can roll over and has done it a few times, but really doesn't like laying on her tummy, or her back, or the floor for that matter, which lowers the incentive to roll. She is still the most particular baby I know, she goes from smiling to screaming in a mere half second. She screams like no other baby I'd heard till Chloe came along and showed us which side of the family the lungs came from. She loves to have help standing up and does this crazy flying/superman lurch the whole time she's standing. She grabs everything she can and pulls it straight to her mouth. She puts her entire fist in her mouth on a daily basis. She wakes up every morning giggling and smiling. She has all these adorable attributes that make us love her more than I thought would be possible. She smiles with her eyes before her mouth, she laughs so hard that noise stops coming out, she loves, intensely loves, being outside and music. I simultaneously can't wait to see what she's like in a few years and don't want her to get a single day older. Every day she is my favorite age.

Hours old

One month old

Two months old

Three months old

Four months old

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