
A new old thing

I love it when there's a verse that you know so well, or think you know so well, becomes a whole new thing when the Lord speaks to you. This morning I was reading Proverbs and reading Courson's commentary with them and I came across this verse.
"The lazy man will not plow because of winter; He will beg during harvest and have nothing."- Prov 20:4
I know this verse, and obviously understand the practical application. Nothing new there. But what Courson wrote about it really ministered to me.
""It's too cold", the sluggard says. So he gathers no harvest.
"My spirit is so cold", we sometimes say, "that I can't read the Word."
Yes, there are times when you will feel cold and experience dryness, but here's the key: You can either be a sluggard and not do it, or you can be a wise steward and keep plowing, keep cultivation, reading, studying, and learning even when it's cold and dry. If you choose the second option, you will harvest in due season. The season will change. But if you give up, close your Bible, and stop seeking the Lord because your heart is to cold or your spirit is to dry, you'll miss out on a huge harvest of revelation, understanding, and inspiration."

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