Last week Phil was working in the valley for a few days, which left Charlotte and I on our own. I love taking care of my baby, but I often take for granted how much Phil watches her when he's home or comforts her when she's upset. Not that it hurts her to be set in her bouncy seat while I get dinner or take a shower, but it's hard to leave her there when she's fussy. While he was gone I was much more tired than usual, which resulted in some fervent prayers for sleep. Our night time pattern for the last month has been bed at nine, waking up at 1 AM to nurse, then again at 4:30 and then from 4:30 to 7 she's only in a light sleep and she's wiggly or wants to suck on her pacifier, very noisily. One night last week I went to bed praying that Charlotte would sleep later than 1, I was exhausted and desperate for a good nights sleep. As I was falling asleep I repeatedly begged the Lord to please, please, puh-leeeease make Charlotte sleep more.
The following results occurred much later that night
- my baby started making wake up sounds
- I immediately knew it was not 1 AM
- It was much, much later than 1 AM
- 4:43AM to be exact
- I was sleeping on my stomach and what felt like a bag of rocks
- huge rocks
- wet rocks
- a large puddle of sopping wet rocks
- I heard the piratey voice of Captain Barbosa in my head saying "Don't dare impugn me honor boy! I agreed she go free, but it was you who failed to specify when or where."
And the moral is?
It's multifaceted:
Be careful what you ask for... particularly when you're nursing a baby every 3-4 hours round the clock, because the milk comes every 3-4 hours whether it's needed or not.
Wetting the bed takes on a whole new meaning when you're nursing.
When you wake up at 4:43 AM in a puddle of milk and the first thing that comes to your mind regarding the Lord's answer to prayers is a line from Pirates of the Caribbean... it might be appropriate to spend more time in the word.
You just never outgrow the need for a waterproof mattress cover. Never.
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